Sunday, July 27, 2008

Here's Proof!!!

In the "Adventure" Post, I mention that Bryce had been cranky, however all the pictures in that post he looked so cheerful. Here is a photo of him pretending to smile but... well a picture says it better than I can.

I just see all over his face "Is this over yet?" Or, "Tell me I was adopted." Right after this he tranformed. Not sure what or how this exactly happened but what matters is that it happened!!!


Shauna said...

I can't remember how I found your blog - I thought you send me an email with the address. Or is it listed on the Italy Milan Mission webpage?? Sorry I can't remember - it's been a while. I don't know of anyone else's blogs. It sure would be fun to find them. I will see Darrington this week as she will be in AZ! I'll ask her as she is usually in "the know"!

Shauna said...

Ok - I just checked my old email and you sent me your blog address back in January.

Janell said...

So busted - we now know the truth =) !!!!

julie said...

Shauna- Yes, I remember sending that out. So impressed you still had it!

Frump- thanks for all the smiles!

chelle said...

Poor Bryce! He just wanted to get out of those clothes! m

Redhoodoos said...

Yes, we moms have to practically bring in the clowns to get kids to smile. Hopefully they grow out of it! ;)

Heidi said...

Your day sounded so fun and you are a champ to put a happy spin on every situation! -- Now Bryce gets to go to youth conference -- at least there he will take a shower!

Raquel said...

Sometimes we just have to remind them that they are the ones that chose us and they just have to deal with us! However, Bryce still deserves all the chocolate he wants for this one!