Tuesday, October 14, 2008

God IS a God of Miracles!

We are under contract to buy a home. After two years of searching it has finally happen. As long as the home inspection and appraisal all go well we should be home owners by the end of this month.

From now until we gain right of occupancy will probably feel longer than the last year and half. If nothing else I will have learned patience and all things come to pass in the Lord's time through this experience.

The home is only two blocks away from where we live. The boys will be able to continue going to the same school. YEAH! We will move to a new ward which is disappointing but we are in Utah. Odds were not good that we would be able to stay in the ward. Even though we did try to stay, sometimes it is just not the Lord's will. The good news is that I will be in my cousin and aunt's ward.

I am so thankful that the boys will be able to keep the friends they have acquired. I am so thankful to be in a home for the holidays. I am so thankful to have access to my canning supplies again. I may even be able to do some canning although it will be late in the year.

Since almost all that we own has been in storage for the past year and half. I have had to buy some duplicates of kitchen items. I said that I would have enough for two homes by the time we buy a home. The marvel of it all is that I will have two kitchens in this home. I will be set up for the second kitchen!

The Lord IS in charge!

PS I have been waiting to get pictures to post this but if I wait any longer we will have moved in by the time I figure out how to download the photos.


chelle said...


I can't wait to come and visit! Two kitchens are the best! M

Janell said...

This is too too too exciting!!!! Yippee!!! Guess what!!! Me and Jaiden will be in Springville Nov 6 - 10 ... does that mean I get to SEE the two kitchens????!!!!!! Yippee!!!!

I am so so so happy for you to be at this place in life. You deserve this!! Love ya!

Heidi said...

I am so happy for you! I know how much you wanted to be in a home for the holidays. I hope the rest of the process runs smoothly.

We will miss you in the ward. It is funny that you are just across the street from the boundaries! Only in Utah! :)

Let me know when you are moving so we can help!

Wonder Woman said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! A home for the holidays!! I am SO happy for you. Funny that 2 blocks away is a different ward. Gotta love Utah. But being close to family is great.

THIS IS WONDERFUL NEWS! Hope it all goes through.

Jenn said...

YAY!!!! I'm so happy for you guys! You have been so faithful and now you're seeing the blessings from this trial, and these are HUGE blessings!! Can't wait to come see!! I'm so jealous of the two kitchens, that is awesome! We love you guys and are so excited to come see!

by the way, I have tagged you. :)

julie said...

M-I got my canning kitchen but Bryce has claimed it. Won't he be disappointed when he finds out he will have to cook, clean and can.

Frump- I am SOOOO excited you are coming. I would LOVE for you to come over but I know you are here to see your parents so I will not hog you. I would love to visit there as well.

Heidi- It is a hard ward to leave but you never know ward boundaries could change! I teased Bro. Erickson that he should get the stake pres to move the boundaries.

Wonder Woman- Thank you! Utah is a funny place but with great advantages!

Jenn- I have always wanted two kitchens. It is a dream come true! You are welcome any time to visit.

I will check out the tag but it is a crazy time for a while. The house is a mess so I need to deep clean! Not to mention paint, pack, and move.

Bryce asked me yesterday if we would be moved in by Friday. I said "Bryce I am just taking one day at a time for now."