Monday, October 27, 2008

I can not say any names to protect the innocent but my 12 year old son had two first yesterday. He shaved for the first time and gave his first talk in church. I can not believe my baby is old enough to shave. Where did all those years go?

His talk was on Patriarchal Blessings. He wanted to tell a joke to start off and thought of something clever to say all on his own. He said that the Bishop wanted to give him a going a way present and he thought it was so considerate of him to give him this chance to talk.

He was nervous and talked really fast and quiet. He did a good job and I was pleased we did not have to fight him. It was nice to say the Bishop wants you to speak and make him the bad guy. He could not speak back to the Bishop.


Janell said...

shaving ..... scary!!

Hey - I just posted about lunch on Saturday - can you make it? What do you think?

Redhoodoos said...

Isn't it cute to see our little boys grow up?! Don't blink, because your son will be driving and dating before you know it! I'm excited to meet you on Saturday!!