Thursday, April 3, 2008

Bryce's Fever finally broke!!!

Bryce has been sick for a week now. Saturday he seemed well and I allowed him to go to a birthday party. I am such a chum and should have kept him home.

It has been hard being the new kid in town (actually state). He has had no friends to socialize with. He is so social and it has been a lonely year. Finally he has a few really good friends. He seemed well and I wanted him to go so badly. I guess I learned a good lesson.

The next morning, in the middle of Sacrament meeting he leaned over and said he was achy again. I sent him home. He has had a fever ever since. That is until last night about midnight, when his fever finally broke.

Yesterday I asked my neighbor and uncle to come over to bless him. I am so thankful for the miracle of priesthood blessings. I could not help but think of all those people who do not or did not have the miracle of blessings and how it could change their lives.

We are listening to the Laura Ingalls Wilder books on CD. How their lives could have been blessed. It is a little overwhelming to think of the blessings I have. What a relieve that that fever broke!

1 comment:

chelle said...

SO glad to hear Bryce is on his way to health. On his way back to school and all that homework! M