Wednesday, April 2, 2008

HELP, I think I am dying!

I have not wanted chocolate all day. Ross even tried to force a chocolate butterfiner Easter Egg down my throat and I flat refused him! Quick call 911!

Mechelle you can have all my Halmarks!

Janell- the Mexican Dishes!


chelle said...

Quick, get some help. Run to the nearest quick mart and buy as much chocolate as you can fit in your pockets! m

Jen said...

Oh my goodness! You must call 911 immediately you must be sicker than you thought!
Uh, if you're not gonna eat it, can I have your peanut butter egg?

Jenn said...

Oh man, the withdrawl symptoms should be setting in soon! Your blog looks great!

julie said...

Please come and get it all! I even looked at some Rolos (my personal favorite combination: caramel and chocolate) and thought yum I could eat one. Then out of no where, naw I don't want one. Scary! That did not come from my head. NEVER have I refused chocolate! I hope it last summer is coming quickly!

Thanks Jenn! I have not been feeling well, can you tell? I have been on-line playing far too long!

chelle said...

Thanks for the Halmarks!