Monday, July 21, 2008

5 is not always so funny!

As you may know if you have read other posts of mine, we were camping in the Grand Canyon on the North Rim a few weeks ago with my sister. While there my little Ross says to my sister...

"Auntie M I could tell that was you because of your BIG behind!" She had been bending over at the time.
OH MY! How do I ever civilize these creatures we call boys. The real challenge is to teach them what not to say to the female genders???

I am SOOOOOOO sorry Mechelle and your behind is not big but Ross's will be once I am done with him (KIDDING, KIDDING, KIDDING)!

My mom says that the job of a parent is to take these little barbaric children and civilize them! How true this is and how often I think of her words! There are moments I wonder if there is any hope!

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