Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Ross moment

On our camping trip Ross and Uncle Jim were playing a guessing game. You each pick a card with a face on it. You then ask question until you figure out which person the other player has.

Ross handed Uncle Jim his ,but first he peeked at it not so discreetly. Ross asked, "Does your guy have a mustache?"

Uncle Jim said, "No."

Ross said, "Yes it does."

Jim said, "No, I drew another card."

Ross said, "What did you go and do that for?"


Jen said...

Hahaha, that's funny.
I play "pick that card, any card" with the Go Fish cards with my kids. I'll put all the fishes in their respective groups, so when my kid puts the fish back, it's usually in the wrong spot, and it's easy to find, hahaha. They think I'm brilliant.

julie said...

You are so right and I remember being the exact same way. We all thought we were so trickly and brilliant!

Redhoodoos said...

What a cutie! I love 'kid' moments.

chelle said...

I was standing right there and it was so funny! Love ya Ross. M

Heidi said...

I love that story! What a cute kid!

Janell said...

hilarious - better watch out for this one - I think he's going to be keeping you guys on your toes!

julie said...

He is hilarious at 5 I am just wondering how cute he will be at 15. You said it Frump, we are on toes now and I doubt it will end for a very very very long time.

I actually have a few more Ross moments to share in the near future. He was on a roll while we were camping.

Pierce asked me a question that I want to share also. You will see how night and day those two are. That is probably why they get along so well. Actually Pierce gets along with everyone.

Jenn said...

What a ham! I miss you guys, and hopefully we'll see you soon!

Shauna said...

Hey Felsted! What do I have to do to get listed under your Family/Friends Blog?! It's nice to catch up with you and your family. It sounds like you have a lot of "fun" with all your boys!

julie said...

Jenn- We miss you too! We hope to see you soon.

Shauna-I so did not know who you were by your first name. The hazards of serving a mission together! So glad you stopped by and all you need to do is but ask to be added to the friend/family blog list!!!