So we wake up to three inches of snow this morning. I think God was very generous because he knew I could not handle another shoveling job and made it the kinds of snow that melts on hard surfaces. Another miracle in my life!
We hurry to get out to the car by a quarter to 11:00 so that we can get Bryce there on time for passing the sacrament. Also so that the Nazi on time sister in our ward would never have to point her fingers at me for being late. (I know I know I need to re-read my last post on bitterness)
We hop into my car and turn the ignition. Nothing!!! "ROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I calmly screamed at the top of my lungs!!! He likes to turn on the dome light and forgets to turn it off! Yes this is not the first time and you would think I would learn to look and make sure it is off! Opps!
I say, "Everyone out! We are walking to church." Fortunately we live in Utah where most churches are close. However in the middle of a snow storm, with jackets too thin (my nice warm church coat is...guess? My other warm jacket is so ugly that I can not bare to wear it to church, vanity gets you every time) it seemed like 5 miles away instead of 5 blocks.
We half ran half walked to church. The whole time I was trying to 'encourage' Ross to keep up and get Bryce to run a head of us. Everyone driving by us smiling and waving thinking that the Wilson family sure LOVE to walk! Which we do just under different circumstances.
Halfway to church, Ross at this point walking next to me, right next to me. Guess what Ross finds? A puddle! Ross being 4, what do you think he did with that puddle? If you said walked around you either have not had children yet, it has been a LONG time since your children were 4, OR you had all pretty little calm girls (which is what I ordered but never got). He jumped with all his might and weight into the middle of the puddle sending all that lovely brown icy water right onto my white tights (I wore white thinking it was spring or something like that) and into my shoes.
JOY! JOY! JOY! I handled myself rather well I think, considering at that moment I wanted to kill the boy! I calmly informed him that I did not appreciate that experience and he was very sorry. Poor little Ross, he is a boy and really can not help it.
We walked into church with 1 or 2 minutes to spare. PHEW! Now all I need to figure out is, who is the lucky neighbor who gets to help me jump my car?
Ha! Shouldn't laugh, but so funny! I can picture it all very vividly! Hope you have a journal you're keeping for him! When he starts dating, we'll have plenty to get him back with!!
Yes I WILL! We are all laughing too. The boys and I read this last night and we all were laughing. I am glad you laughed too.
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