That title makes me feel as though I should be sitting in a rocking chair with a shawl drapped over my shoulders. Anyway...
To explain comment in my last blog. My sister Mechelle, follow my link to her blog if you would like to "meet" her- she is more than worth your time, and I shared a bedroom for most of our childhood.
Every now and then Mechelle and I did not go to sleep right a way. At these momenst we usually realized we were starving. We would check to make sure our parent's bedroom light was off.
Then one of us would sneak off into the kitchen to grab a near midnight snack. It most often was me since I was the 'little sister'(I have more to blog on this subject). Growing up in a home that had no candy, cookies, cakes or sweets of any kind, I was always stumpped about what to get to eat. The only thing I could come up with were vitamin C pills.
I would sneak back and give Mechelle her vitamin. We would quietly suck on our snack, giggle, and think we were so tricky and naughty. Little did we know that Mom and Dad were probably laughing in their beds!
Mechelle and I still chuckle when we think of those rebellious midnight snacks!
That is really funny! I love childhood memories.
This is SO SO SO true. The vitamin c pills were bitter and large. Remember that? M
Redhoodoos- I love them too and we remember the craziest things!
Mechelle- that is so true and is what makes this story even funnier!
This is hilarious!!! I think Mechelle was just remembering this to me!!! (or was it you??) I'm confused - but I know I've heard this story recently and it just cracks me up!!
LOL! That is so funny. Too bad they weren't the Flintstone's kind.
I think it's so neat that you and your sister are so close and were close growing up. I didn't have that with any of my sisters. I wish it for my two little girls.
You are blessed!
Frump- I would LOVE to hear all your childhood memories. I KNOW I would get a gut ache!!! You and Marc-ee were the two funniest kids EVER!!!!
Jen- SO glad it made you laugh. My favorite thing is to laugh and make others laugh as well!
My mom never bought the Flintstones too expensive. I was jealous of my cousin because they got (had to for them though) to eat them everyday. To me they were serious candy, a rare indulgence!
My sister is one of my greatest blessings. If we can't be close to our sisters, there are always our friends. You can't choose your sister but you can choose your friends:)!
I don't have any girls but I tell my boys over and over and over that they are each others best friend. They were best friends in Heaven, they are best friends now, and they will ALWAYS be best friends. I figure if I repeat it often enough it will become reality.
That is really really FUNNY!!!!
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