Wednesday, February 6, 2008


For those of you who participated in the poll about who got the throttling from my mom for the "slip" incident. I can assure you it was me.

Although I do not remember this, I was too young for the clear memory. I do remember knowing that when mom said "NO" the answer was "NO." I must have learned that lesson through the "slip" incident and possibly others. I knew not even to ask dad becaue (like mother like son) he would always say "YES" and I would be the one who would get in trouble!!!

My mother was a complete saint when it came to her mother-in-law. I still am befuddled in how she was able to cope having to live so close to her mother-in-law. This would be a challenge for most individuals but when you have a mother-in-law who was clear in her message that she thought you not worthy of her son, I just am amazed at what a dignified lady my mother was toward my grandmother.

My mom knew when to keep her mouth shut and when to open it. Which she rarely did the latter. One of those rare moments is another favorite Grandma Effie story that either me or my mother will share on the in the future.

So based upon the above evidence, it was me who got the throttling! I am quite certain of it. Comments Mom?:)

1 comment:

chelle said...

I was sitting by mom and she wanted to do away with both of you. But the little girl was the one who got it due to the fact that it is hard to throttle your mother-in-law. And mom was always very kind to Grandma. M