Saturday, February 9, 2008

Watch out! Here come the Social Services

David and I did our usual home tours on Saturday morning. Which I am so sick of doing!!! So sick that I feel like acting like a two year old and having a full fledge temper tantrum. However since I am 38 years old, I will somehow show some self restraint. I doubt anyone would be impressed and I know it would not help.

Upon returning home I informed my children that not only was it time to turn off the television but that they needed to go outside and help their dad chop up the three inch thick ice layer on our drive way. Bryce and Pierce being 12 and 9 years old have learned long ago that we do not argue with mom but go right to work. Much easier and the work will be done faster

My 4 year old was another story. He started to cry as though I had asked him to cut off his right arm. Ignoring his cries I kept on encouraging him to go outside. He then started to yell at me that he hated me and that he "would NEVER do ANYTHING I told him to do."

Hoo Hum was my reaction and let him scream a few more things. Then I said, "Ross you can either go and get your boots and coat on and go outside OR I will throw you outside without them on."

Pause, I started my annoying count to three and when he did not move or cease from crying about the injustice in his life. I decided to take action. I grabbed his boots and his coat threw them onto the outside doorstep. Then walked calmly to Ross grabbed his arm and walked him to the same location and closed the door!

His screams did not cease and I could not help but think that all three neighbors here in the 4-plex we reside must think I am the cruelest and most abusive mother ever. I was trying to guess which one was calling social services right there and then.

Within a minute Ross must have put his boots and coat on, to go and report these wrongs to his father. For I could not hear him any longer. I was rather pleased with myself for not throttling the child like I wanted to do. Another miracle in my life.

Now a few hours later, Ross was kissing me and telling me he would live with me forever. Thank heavens for short memories.


chelle said...

You are such a good mom. WOW! It is so good to know they love us no matter what. M

chelle said...

Love your photos. And you are a good writer! M

julie said...

You are too kind! Thanks, David thought I should get a picture of Ross screaming his head off but since our camera is missing I had to look on-line. Thanks again!